Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Natural Home Remedies to Lose Weight – Weight Loss From Kitchen

Natural Home Remedies to Lose Weight

Although, there are a wide range of weight loss pills and supplements available in the market that promise fast calorie loss, but these pills and supplements cause more harm than good in the long run and, therefore, it is best to rely on home remedies for losing weight using all natural ingredients that have zero side effects.

Generalized 1200 Cal Indian Diet Menu for Weight Loss

Honey and Ginger Juice:

The combination of honey and ginger is best home remedy for weight loss. Taking this mixture twice a day will help to reduce your weight. Honey is high in fructose that works as a fuel for the liver to produce glucose and this in turn signals the release of fat burning hormones that burn excess fat from the body. Ginger, on the other hand, enhances satiety, so that reduces the craving for unhealthy foods and works as a natural appetite suppressant. It also raises the temperature of the body and boosts metabolism that helps in burning fat at a faster pace.

Honey and Cinnamon:

Honey is especially effective for treating dry skin and the use of honey on chapped lips is a well-known remedy. The combination of honey and cinnamon is one of the time-tested home remedies to lose weight that show fast results. The benefits of honey and cinnamon are endless. Though honey adds a great taste it has a healthy glycemic index, hence it does not get absorbed into the body all at once like sugar.
Honey and Cinnamon

Lemon, Honey and Black Pepper:

The powerful action of lemon tea for weight loss is well known. The combination of lemon, honey and black pepper is one of the most functional Indian home remedies for weight loss, and the best thing is that all the ingredients are easily available in the kitchen. Lemons contains pectin fiber that helps in preventing hunger pangs and keep you satiated for a longer time so that you don’t munch on unhealthy snacks. It also helps in maintaining the pH of the body at an alkaline stage that prevents the body from storing fat. The main substance Piperine present in black pepper prevents the formation of new fat cells in the body and also reduces the fat lenses in the blood stream. Lemon and honey is a famous combination used to lose weight. Adding black pepper to it doesn’t just give it a better taste but also boosts your energy and makes your body light.

Jujube or Indian Plum Leaves:

These leaves are said to cut down fat in the body. Take a handful of Indian plum leaves or jujube leaves and soak it in water overnight. Remove the water in the morning and eat these leaves on an empty stomach. It will take a month’s time to observe the results.
jujube leaf

Apple Cider Vinegar Water:

Apple cider vinegar is often included in diets for quick weight loss. Just like lemons, apple cider vinegar is also a rich source of pectin and this fiber helps in increasing satiety so that you feel fuller for a longer period of time and don’t make unhealthy food choices. It also helps n breaking down the fat cells of the body and keeps the metabolism running at a fast pace even when the body is in a state of rest. While water is good to flush out extra toxins from the body, apple cider vinegar helps in boosting the metabolism. Lemon juice will help make the taste of vinegar bearable. Try this mixture to notice the change in your body.
Apple Cider Vinegar

Dandelion Remedy:

Dandelion herb is one of the well-known home remedies that help in weight loss by limiting the amount of calorie intake. Being an effective diuretic, it also helps in getting rid of water weight. Drinking a cup of dandelion tea before meals promote fat and cholesterol breakdown in the body and stimulate gastric secretions. The most nutritious herb with vitamins A, B, C and D is dandelion.
Dandelion Tea

Sage Tea

This is yet another amazing herb that is used as one of the best natural remedies for weight loss. One of the leading causes of weight loss in today world is excessive stress. Under constant stress, the body starts releasing a steroid hormone named cortisol that affects the blood sugar level and appetite and leads to storage of fat in the body. Stress also promotes the release of neurochemical Neuropeptide Y that leads to the growth of fat tissue. The best way to fight these negative effects of stress is by calming the body and mind with the soothing sage herb.
Sage Tea


Ginseng is an important herb used in traditional Chinese medicine that is effective in promoting healthy weight loss. The compound ginsenoside in the herb is useful in inhibiting the differentiation in the cells that store energy in the form of fat. It prevents the cells from completing the fat storage process. It aids in controlling obesity and diabetes. It is a potent stimulant and one of the best home remedies to boost metabolism that also helps in relieving fatigue and boosting energy. The best way to consume ginseng is in the form of tea with lemon or honey.
Ginseng tea

Peppermint Remedy:

Our ancestors have been using mints for healthy digestion of food. Peppermint, which comes from the mint family, stimulates the flow of digestive juices and relaxes the muscles of the digestive system. It calms to improve digestion in the stomach. Peppermint is one of the most functional weight loss home remedies that show noticeable results within weeks.

Apple Cider Vinegar:

Vinegar, as it is, has a sour taste to it if consumed gives a burning sensation in the stomach. However apple cider vinegar remedy is recommended by every diet specialist. Consuming a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar every day before going to bed is good to lose weight. The tartaric acid present in the vinegar will burn body fat while you sleep.


The best thing to do is eating fruits and vegetables to lose weight in a healthy way. This is an amazing cruciferous vegetable that is extremely low in calories and rich in fibers. It is also one of the most recommended home remedies to lose weight. The tartaric acid present in cabbage does not allow sugar and carbohydrates to be converted into fat. It is very good for losing weight. It is a rich source of vitamin A and C that works well to prevent heart disease and cancer. Cabbage can be consumed in combination with salads, as cabbage juice or delicious cabbage soup.

cucumber Remedy:

The use of cucumbers for dark circles removal is well known. Cucumber contains 90% of water and just 13.25 calories. It is an effective and famous home remedy to cut down fat cells and excess body fluids. Cucumber has vitamins A, C and E that eliminate the toxins from the body. Consuming cucumber also gives you energy and makes your body feel light and energetic. Try to consume lots of cucumbers daily.

Green Tea:

This is yet another widely known home remedy for weight loss that has several other health benefits. The compound epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) found in green tea prevents weight gain and obesity by limiting fat absorption and enhancing the body’s capacity to use fat for producing energy that is required to carry out various functions. In addition, green tea is loaded with nutrients and essential minerals for the body like zinc, selenium and chromium that is beneficial for maintaining overall health. Drinking 3 to4 cups of green tea on a daily basis is effective in fighting obesity.

green tea

Hot Water Remedy:

Switching from cold water to hot water can do you good. Hot water flushes out the fats from the vessels helping you lose weight easily. Drink hot water before and after your meals regularly, you need to give a gap of at least 30 minutes. Don’t drink water immediately after your meals. See the difference in your body after one month.

Using the above remedies will cut down fat in your body and help you gain satisfying results. Along with the mentioned remedies try to add 30 minutes of simple fat burning exercises to your daily routine. Try to reduce the calorie intake and fill yourself with water as much as possible. It is very important to love yourself, do not stress out on being overweight. Be a little conscious while making decisions related to food. Losing weight bit by bit is much healthier than trying to lose it all at once. Be happy, stay fit and enjoy being healthy by using the home remedies for weight loss.

ALSO READ MORE:  http://snip.ly/rhtv

How to Lose Weight Naturally (22 Home Remedies)

Learn how to lose weight naturally. Great for anyone who wants to drop a couple of pounds or make a complete life change...

In the Everyday Roots Book I begin the chapter on weight loss by stating that I believe there are only two ways to truly manage weight, through exercising and eating healthy. There simply is no magic shortcut, and while this may seem obvious to some people it is overlooked far, far, too often. Now you’re probably wondering, if diet and exercise are the only ways to lose weight, why did you write this list? Because there are still natural remedies and recipes that will help you reach your ultimate goal. If you use these in addition to eating better and getting some exercise, they can speed up the process. There are many different contributing factors to losing/gaining weight, so the below remedies cover a wide range.

Weight Loss

Before you go on you should have a simple understanding of the process your body goes through when dropping the pounds. Fat (along with protein and carbohydrates) is stored energy, plain and simple. Calories are the unit that is used to measure the potential energy in said fats, carbs, and proteins. Your body will convert fat to usable energy through a series of chemical processes, and any excess energy (calories) that you don’t need will be stored away. To lose weight, you must expend more energy (or calories) than you take in. When you are using more than you taking in, your body draws on stored fat to convert it to energy, which makes the fat cells shrink. It doesn’t disappear; it simply changes form, like water to steam. While this is the basic process, you also have to take into account genetic and environmental factors. How well the above process takes place does vary from person to person.

1. Cinnamon Tea

Blood sugar has a direct impact on your weight as it affects how hungry and how energetic you are (if you have energy you’re much more likely to exercise!) If your blood sugar is balanced you are less likely to have a disproportionally large appetite, and your body will be more apt to use fat (energy) rather than storing it. While debate about its effectiveness drags on, more and more preliminary studies are coming out showing that cinnamon can help manage blood sugar levels, so why not whip up a spicy cinnamon tea?

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
-1 cinnamon stick
-8 ounces of fresh water


Place the cinnamon in a mug and cover with 8 ounces of boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes before straining. Drinking 1-2 times a day.
Cinnamon Metabolism Tea

2. Green Tea & Ginger

Green tea has long been debated as a weight loss aid, and more research is needed to confirm or deny how well it works. While some studies have turned up nothing, others have identified three main components in green tea that could help manage weight-caffeine, catechins, and theanine. Caffeine is just an overall boost to your system, and speeds up a number of bodily processes, including metabolism related to weight (technically speaking, metabolism refers to any and all biological processes in a living organism needed to sustain life.)

Catechins are considered anti-oxidant flavonoids, and are superior in green tea rather than black tea due to a difference in processing (black tea is fermented.) While the mechanism is yet to be determined, in vitro and in vivo studies have shown that catechins can help lower the absorption of lipids (fats) via the intestinal track. Theanine is an amino acid in green tea that can encourage the release of dopamine, the chemical that makes you “happy” and relaxed. If you tend to eat due to stress, this may be useful. It also counters the caffeine so you don’t get all jittery. The ginger added to green tea will help improve digestion and add a little flavor-no sugar or milk in this tea!

3. Rose Petal Water

The benefits of rose petal water are backed more by anecdotal evidence than anything, but that’s no reason to shrug off this mild yet refreshing drink. Rose petals act as a very gentle diuretic. Diuretics encourage your kidneys to put more sodium (salt) into your urine. This excess salt in turn draws water from your blood, decreasing the amount of water in your circulatory system. This is not “permanent” weight loss-just water weight-but the action encourages you to drink more and keep your system flushed clean and hydrated. Staying hydrated, believe it or not, can be hugely beneficial to losing weight.

4. Ginseng

Ginseng is any one of 11 perennial plants with fleshy roots belonging to the genus Panax. While there are different kinds of ginseng, the two that you should use –also the ones that have had the most controlled double-blind studies done on them-are American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Asian or Korean ginseng (Panax ginseng.) While widely known as a stimulant to speed up a sluggish metabolism, that description doesn’t do it justice. Ginseng’s greatest quality is that it can help fight fatigue and boost energy as well as mental alertness (in a randomized double-blind study in 2010 290 cancer patients at the Mayo Clinic were given ginseng daily and it was found to fight even the crippling fatigue caused by chemotherapy.) This is huge when it comes to weight loss-without energy, it’s hard to exercise. Without exercise, it’s near impossible to lose weight-at least in a healthy way. In addition to boosting energy, there is tentative evidence that it can help manage blood sugar, which also affects energy levels as well as appetite.

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of chopped American or Korean ginseng
-8 ounces of fresh water
-raw honey/lemon to taste (optional)


Roughly chop the root and measure out 1 teaspoon per cup of water. Bring water to a boil and then pour over the ginseng, allowing it to steep for 5-9 minutes. Strain, add honey or lemon if you like, and drink 1-2 times daily.

5. Dandelion and Peppermint

Dandelion and peppermint tea is a fabulous drink that will help keep your liver healthy. The liver is an incredible organ. Not only is it the only way to truly detoxify your body, it is also plays a central role in many metabolic processes-a lot of which affect weight. In terms of fat metabolism, the liver is full of cells that break down fats and turn them into usable energy. These cells are also responsible for the flow of bile, which helps breakdown and absorb fats. In the metabolism of carbohydrates, the liver helps keep your blood sugar steady, therefore keeping energy levels up and regulating appetite. The list goes on, but the point is helping your liver helps your weight, as it plays a crucial role in managing fats and their absorption. Dandelion and peppermint both help your liver. Dandelion has hepatoprotection constituents, with hepatoprotection meaning an ability to prevent damage to the liver. Peppermint and dandelion both automatically stimulate the production of bile in the liver, helping with digestion and the absorption of nutrients. Mix these two together, and you have a powerful liver protecting tea!

You will need…

-1 teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves
-1 teaspoon dried peppermint leaves
-8 ounces of boiling water
-Lemon to taste (optional)


Pour a cup of boiling water over the dandelion and peppermint and steep, covered, for 5-10 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink a cup twice daily. You can also make this with fresh dandelion leaves/roots and fresh peppermint, just use a rough handful of the fresh leaves for the amount. If you do use fresh, be absolutely certain that there have been no chemicals applied to them- this is especially important for dandelion. If you use dandelion on a regular basis, I suggest growing your own.

6. Sip on Sage

We live in a hectic world, and most of us are stressed about one thing or another on a daily basis. The thing is, our bodies weren’t made to handle constant stress, and it can have damaging effects on a wide variety of functions-including weight gain/loss. When under stress, the body releases cortisol, a steroid hormone that is part of the fight-or-flight response. Cortisol can effect blood sugar level (therefore appetite), and cause energy to be stored more readily as fat. Neuropeptide Y is a neurochemical that is also related to stress. When released, it causes growth of fat tissue (energy is stored easily as fat around the abdomen) as well as an increase in appetite. One way to fight this underlying stress can be to ingest more sage, which has calming effects on both the body and mind. Making a calming sage tea, or even just adding it in dishes you cook, is one way to help combat your stress levels.

You will need…

-A handful of fresh sage OR 2 teaspoons of dried sage
-8 ounces of boiling water
-Lemon to taste (optional)


Pour boiling water over sage and steep for 4-5 minutes. Strain, add lemon to taste if you like, and drink 1-2 times daily.

Sage Tea Remedy

7. Chew Gum

Chewing gum is a great way to trick your brain (and your stomach) into thinking it’s getting more than it is. The flavor of the gum reduces appetite and curbs the urge to snack on something unhealthy, and also stimulates the flow of saliva, whose enzymes help break down starches and fats.

You will need…

-1 piece of natural sugar free gum


When you feel the need to start munching, pop in a piece of gum instead.
8. Have a Routine (and stick to it)

Having a routine is, in my opinion, in the top three most important things you can do to lose weight, right up there with exercise and diet. If you don’t stick to a routine, you won’t see results, and you’ll be discouraged. Several years ago I saw a personal trainer and, after paying a decent sum of money, I figured out that it was the routine of going to see her made the biggest difference. It’s probably the single hardest thing you’ll do when you try to lose weight, but once those habits become hardwired into your brain, things will only get easier.

9. Just Add Water

Staying hydrated is an important aspect of weight loss that people often brush off-you don’t want to gain water weight and feel bloated right? Either that or you hear that you should drink ice cold water to burn more calories. Not exactly. The idea that ice cold water burns more calories because your body tries to “warm it up” first may technically be true, but the effect is miniscule (like 8 calories miniscule.) Rather, you need to be hydrated for your body to run smoothly, and that includes burning fat. It flushes bad stuff through your system, and also helps curb appetite. And don’t fret about water weight-if you are staying hydrated, your body is less likely to retain water since it simply doesn’t have the need to-similar to how eating more can make weight loss easier, within reason. I should also say-DO NOT BUY INTO SPECIALTY WATERS! Get your vitamins through your diet or supplements. Those waters are not better for you-in fact some are so loaded with flavoring and what not they rival soda.

You will need…

-8 ounces of fresh water


Drink at least 8 cups of fresh water every day.

10. Coconut Oil (as a replacement fat)

In the 1970’s and ‘80’s, saturated fats got shoved into the spotlight as the main cause for obesity. Coconut oil, being a saturated fat, was tossed along with the rest of them. The healthier alternative that we created? Trans-fat. One could say that backfired a wee bit eh? Coconut oil isn’t just any old saturated fat though; it contains unique fats called medium chain triglycerides that help you use energy (aka calories) more efficiently. MCT’s are indeed a saturated fat, but they are not the same as many of the other saturated fats we hear about-those fats are long chain triglycerides. Why does the length matter? Its chemical makeup is what determines how our body processes it and breaks it down. MCT’s are not broken down in the intestines, and therefore do not get stored away immediately as fat. Instead, they absorbed intact and sent right to the liver, where they are used as energy. Now sitting around eating coconut oil isn’t going to make you lose weight, but using it as a replacement fat can be a good choice. In addition to that, just plain coconut oil is an incredible appetite suppressant (it’s almost scary, actually.) Tack on that it can raise energy levels and you are more likely to get out, move around, and exercise.

As far as studies on it go, here are some that I mentioned in The Everyday Roots Book. In 2002 the Journal of Nutrition concluded that it can aid weight loss when used in place of long chain triglycerides. It was also shown to strongly curb appetite and it appeared to increase the burning of calories. In 2003 Obesity Research found that it may help burn calories, probably due to the fact that it boosted energy. In 2010 the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition also found that it could help boost metabolism and reduce appetite.

You will need…

-2 tablespoons of good virgin cold-pressed coconut oil


Twice a day, take 1 tablespoon of coconut oil. You can take it before, during, or after a meal. If you tend to struggle with proportions, I suggest taking it before you eat, or if dessert is your demon, take it right after dinner. In terms of substitution I’ve used it in place of olive oil and love it.
Coconut Oil Helps You Lose Weight

11. Plain Yogurt and Honey

This is an awesome breakfast/snack. It’s one of those “I wouldn’t guess this is good for me!” type foods. The probiotics in yogurt do wonders for the digestive track and maintains a healthy balance of gut flora that optimizes digestion and the breakdown of certain substances (like fat.) When you digestive track is running smoothly, your body is processing things better and it’s not as likely to pack on the pounds. The honey is just a little added (healthy) sweetness to satisfy any cravings you might have. The beautiful thing here is that you really don’t feel like you’re getting shorted any flavor or fullness when you eat it. For optimum weight-loss awesomeness, try low fat yogurt.

Note: There was once a time when certain large companies began to add so much sugar to their yogurt the amounts surpassed those found in sugary breakfast cereal, like Lucky Charms. People were gobbling it up and wondering how it could be so tasty and good for you, when really the image and wholesomeness of yogurt was simply being abused. Read the nutrition label first.

You will need…

-1/2-1 cup of plain (not vanilla) yogurt
-1 tablespoon of organic raw honey, or to taste


Eat this for a snack or breakfast, adding on the honey for flavor. Feel free to try adding fresh fruit or even oats for a little variety.
Yogurt and Honey

12. Get Enough Sleep

Our body is a cohesive unit, a complex system, not just individual parts. Everything has to be working harmoniously for things to be balanced and correct-like your weight. Studies have shown that even just a little bit of sleep deprivation over the short time frame of 4 nights results in increased insulin resistance, and essentially ages the metabolism 10-20 years in that time frame. The fat cells sensitivity to insulin dropped by 30% to levels usually seen in people who were obese or diabetic. By getting the right amount of sleep, you’re doing more than just resting your body-you’re ensuring that all systems are go, and that you have the best chance possible to succeed at losing weight.

13. Black Pepper and Lemon Juice

This spicy little concoction contains black pepper and lemon juice to create a drink that can help you keep ahead on your weight loss battle. Black pepper contains a naturally occurring chemical compound called piperine, which is responsible for giving it its pungent flavor. Several new studies have shown that piperine can interfere with the genes that control the generation of fat cells, as well as reducing fat levels in the blood stream and enhancing the absorption of nutrients from our foods. Lemon juice can help aid in digestion and give your G.I. track a helping hand when it comes to breaking down foods.

You will need…

-Several sprinkles of freshly ground black pepper
-Juice of half a lemon
-Fresh water


Mix lemon juice with water and sprinkle in black pepper (about 3-4 turns of the pepper grinder.) Drink once daily after a meal.
Lemon and Black Pepper Drink

14. Bottle Gourd Juice

Bottle gourds are old-world hard-shelled fruits that anecdotal evidence suggests can help you lose weight. People who swear by it find that, due to its high fiber content, it creates a sensation of fullness and curbs appetite. It also has high water content (always a good thing) and has a number of great nutrients. If you do decide to drink bottle gourd juice, do not do so in such a way that you use it to “starve” yourself (see below.) Your body needs all the (good) food and nutrients it needs to maintain a balanced diet, however, it’s a great way to help resist cravings and potential snacking sprees!

You will need…

-1 cup of bottle gourd juice, chilled
-A little lime juice


When you feel the urge to snack, drink a glass of cold bottle gourd juice with a dash of lime juice added.

15. Eat More (and figure out why you’re eating in the first place)

Deprivation never works. It is a painful struggle that will almost always result in failure. Instead of starving your body of the nutrients it needs to stay healthy, eat “more” good stuff. Break your meals down to 5 or 6 small ones a day to reduce snacking (which is when a good chunk of weight gain takes place for a lot of people) and to prevent your body from storing more fat-which is does when it feels “starved.” Also ask yourself why you’re eating in the first place-we so often eat out of boredom or nerves or stress. Wait until you feel a rumble and let your stomach tell you when it needs to eat.

16. Apple Snacks

An apple a day keeps the weight at bay! While not overflowing with nutrients like other fruits or vegetables, apples still have a number of benefits that can contribute to weight loss. First, they are packed with fiber, which helps curb appetite, so eat one when you feel the urge to snack on some less-desirable foods. Second, they can help regulate blood sugar levels, and therefore help regulate your appetite and energy levels. Third, the pectin in apples can lower cholesterol, and serve as another way to help regulate blood sugar, by slowing the absorption of carbohydrates. Finally, apples are a naturally low-sodium food, which can help prevent excess water retention and water weight.

You will need…

-1-2 fresh apples


Rinse and slice an apple, and eat one to two daily. Leave the skin on, as that contains a good amount of fiber.

17. Add in More Asparagus

Pay attention to seasonal fruits and vegetables, and pounce on the asparagus when it comes along. Asparagus is nutrient dense and, like apples, contains a lot of fiber to help curb appetite. It also contains a host of vitamins that work together to metabolize blood glucose, therefore regulate blood sugar. If you find yourself feeling puffy or bloated, asparagus is a mild diuretic that can help reduce bloating and leave you feeling your best. Try eating asparagus steamed on the side of your favorite dishes-this vegetable doesn’t need much to make it taste good

You will need…

-1 bunch of asparagus
-some water


Wash the asparagus and lightly peel the stems if they are thick. Place in a pan with ½-1 inch of water, and cover with a tightly fitting lid. Turn the heat to medium high and steam for 3 minutes, or until the asparagus is tender and can be pierced easily with a fork.

18. Put Your Fork or Spoon Down Between Bites

Your brain lags behind your stomach by roughly 20 minutes, which ,means that it isn’t the best thing to rely on when it comes to letting your know when you’re full. To avoid over-eating, and thus consuming extra un-needed calories, slow down your eating by putting your fork or spoon down between bites. You might feel a little silly at first, but it can really help when it comes to managing your weight.

19. Snack on Flax

Flax seed has been known to help with digestive ailments for centuries, and this goes hand in hand with weight loss. Flax seeds are high in fiber, as well as mucilage, which helps lower cholesterol. It has also been proven to lower blood sugar levels. With such a high amount of fiber, flax seeds also act as a natural gentle way to regulate bowel movements and help promote healthy gut bacteria, both which work well to help you manage weight. It is important to eat flaxseed ground, as it tends to pass through the digestive track undigested if eaten whole, thus depriving you of its nutritional benefits.

You will need…

-1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed


Once a day eat a tablespoon of ground flaxseed-sprinkling it over cereal or oatmeal if my personal preference.

Read more:  http://everydayroots.com/weight-loss-remedies

Monday, November 9, 2015

Weight loss tips

Many doctors now believe that when it comes to your health, your waist measurement is important.
While knowing your body mass index (BMI) is a good way to decide if you're overweight, it doesn't tell the whole story.
BMI is a measure of how healthy your weight is for your height. You can work out what your BMI is by using our BMI healthy weight calculator.
If you have a high BMI, you're likely to be carrying extra fat. But your health could be at greater risk depending on where you store that fat.
Having a large amount of tummy fat (compared to fat around your bottom or thighs) makes you more likely to develop diabetes and heart problems.
A healthy waist circumference for men is less than 94cm (37 inches), and for women it’s less than 80cm (32 inches).
Losing weight and keeping it off isn’t easy, but it has many benefits. You may only need to make small changes to your lifestyle to maintain a healthy weight.
Why lose weight?
Obesity causes 9,000 premature deaths in England every year and reduces life expectancy by an average of nine years.
It's also linked to serious health problems and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and cancers of the breast, colon and prostate.
Most people who are overweight can blame their excess weight on eating more calories than they burn.
That means there are two main options if you want to lose weight: eat less or do more physical activity. The best way to lose weight is a combination of the two.
Weight loss tips
You can reduce your risk of obesity-related health problems by losing weight through eating more healthily and doing more physical activity.
There are many articles to help you attain a healthy weight in our lose weight section.
You can cut down on calories by making simple healthy food swaps in your everyday diet.
It’s not just small changes to your eating habits that can make a big difference. Getting more physical activity also helps you shed the pounds. You can do it in just three short bursts each day with these ten-minute workouts.
Even if you're well on the way to your target weight, there'll be plenty of temptation to overindulge. See our tips on how to avoid the diet danger zones.
One excuse for choosing a quick, fat-laden supper is that healthy eating is expensive. Learn how to eat well on the cheap, saving the pennies as well as calories.
Two-thirds of dieters regain all the weight they've lost within four years. For advice on how to stop piling the pounds back on, read about how to lose weight for life.

See more:  http://www.nhs.uk/Livewell/men1839/Pages/weight-loss-tips.aspx

Weight Loss Teenage Girl

17 Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast for Teenage Girls ...

How to lose weight fast for teenage girls — there has to be a way of letting you know, helping separate the myth from fact, and get you on the right track to a healthy, happy weight! If you’re a teenager interested in losing weight, and doing it safely and effectively, keep reading! Here are 17 tips on how to lose weight fast for teenage girls, all of them tried and true.


If you’re wondering how to lose weight fast, and you’re still in your teens, keep in mind that you’re still growing! During your teen years, you’ll just naturally gain and lose weight as your body adjusts to hormone levels and as your body develops its own metabolism. Don’t panic every time you gain a pound or two… you’re still growing!


When I was a teenager, I kept fit by running on the cross-country team. If you’re at all interested in any team or individual sports, try out or sign up! Sports are a marvelous way to make and keep like-minded friends, and to stay fit (or lose weight).


My teen years were a haze of chips, soda, and candy — I lived in a junk food heaven. But that’s terribly unhealthy, and unfortunately, still a part of most teens’ lives. Am I suggesting that you stop eating junk food. No. But it would be a great way to start living a healthier lifestyle to choose one vice, and swap the rest for something much healthier. For instance, you can keep eating movie popcorn at the movies, but skip the soda and choose bottled water. Or, feel free to have chips with your sandwich at lunch, but skip the soda and have a piece of fresh fruit or a crunchy vegetable instead.


Did you notice I mentioned skipping soda TWICE in my tip above? That’s because it’s one simple way for teens to lose weight fast. Each serving of soda contains loads of empty calories. Over time, those calories add up to pounds. Skip the soda altogether, or at least switch to diet or zero-calorie.


If you’re a teenager who’s struggling with serious weight issues, don’t put off weight loss. It will never be easier than now. I’m not saying it will be EASY, just EASIER, to lose weight in your teens, than say, in your 40s.


Your friends can make or break a weight loss goal. The right friends will support and encourage you. Frenemies will break you down and sabotage your healthy efforts. So stick with the friends you know you can count on, and ditch the mean girls.


We spend more and more time doing sedentary things (on our butts!) than ever — watching TV, playing video games, using the computer, or even just sitting and texting friends. This is terrible! Not only does it hurt our actual real-life relationships, it discourages the physical activity we all need to lose weight, and keep it off. If you want to lose weight, or just be more fit, shut off the TV and walk away from the computer.


Let’s chat more about video games. I do have a soft spot for any game that encourages physical activity, like the dance games. They’re so much fun, and some are even very good exercise! These video games are an excellent way for teens to lose weight, or just be fitter.


If you’re thinking of losing weight because you think that’s what your friends want, or your parents, or your boyfriend, or anyone else for that matter, stop and take a long hard look at yourself. If YOU like what you see, or are confused by the messages you’re getting from peers or relatives or the media, go see your doctor for a truly objective opinion. He or she will tell you, honestly, if you need to lose weight, or if you’re being influenced by someone, or something, else. Do it for you!


It’s hard to be an overweight teen. You get bullied and laughed at. No one wants to help, they all just want to make fun! If you’re feeling bullied, threatened, or just overwhelmed, ask for help. Ask a teacher, a relative, a friend. Don’t try to take on the world, or a weight problem, all on your own.


Losing weight is never going to be the easiest thing you've ever done. Instead of jumping into it and making a million changes all at one time, start slow and build on your momentum. Maybe you cut out soda during week one, then add a new fruit each day during week two, then add one new exercise activity during the third week. The trick is keeping up with each thing and adding to your new habits as you go. As time goes by, you'll start seeing progress and the small changes you're making will add up without being so hard.


Sure, eating in the school cafeteria is easy and effortless, but let's be honest. Not all of the selections are good ones, especially if your school offers a la carte options. Instead of being stuck choosing between a cheesy burrito or a fat-filled, greasy burger, pack your food at home and bring it with you. That way you can control how much and what you eat and lunchtime so you can keep calories in check. Try string cheese, almonds and an orange or apples and celery with peanut butter, paired with low-fat yogurt. Each option is nutritious, filling and low in calories.


This might sound counterproductive, but hear me out. When you go too long without eating, your inhibitions tend to fly out the window and you make terrible choices because you're so hungry. You know - when you binge on 5 tacos at lunchtime because you haven't eaten since you got up many hours ago. Aim to refuel your body every couple of hours with a healthy, low-calorie snack so you aren't as tempted to eat everything in sight.


When you don't get enough shut-eye, your body has a hard time controlling the hormones that drive appetite. In other words, if you sleep for too few hours, your appetite is going to be in overdrive, which will only mean eating more than you need to. Try to get enough sleep each night so that you can resist junk food and make healthy eating choices all day long.


You might think that skipping meals will save you calories, but the truth is pretty much the opposite. Much like the advice above regarding snacking, you need to have a substantial meal at least every 4 hours or so to keep your hunger satisfied. If you let yourself get too hungry, you set yourself up for a binge that is never going to help you lose weight. Bottom line - eat something at every meal!


It can be very hard to determine if you are eating the proper portion sizes. Until you can easily eyeball a serving, it's a good idea to weigh and measure your foods. Use a basic kitchen scale and measuring cups to get an idea of what makes up a portion. Chances are yours have been too big (most teens eat huge servings), and cutting back will be an effortless way to eliminate calories from your meal plan.


If you play sports, chances are that between practice and games, you are getting plenty of cardio. If not, you should be aiming to get 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Running, swimming, skateboarding and biking are fun options. When you exercise, you burn calories, which can aid in weight loss as well as keeping your body healthy. You should also be strength training a couple of times each week, which builds muscle and boosts metabolism. Lifting weights is a great activity for any teen girl.

All of these tips are proven, tried and true, all excellent ways of how to lose weight fast for teenage girls. Remember that first one in particular — it’s so true! So find a friend to help you along, and get going, sweetie! Which of these tips do you think will help you most? Or do you have another tip that will help teenage girls lose weight? Do tell!

READ MORE:  http://weightloss.allwomenstalk.com/tips-on-how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-teenage-girls

About Us

How To Lose Weight Like Men & Women  is a health delivery network that is being created as a series of building blocks. Some of those building blocks are established, others are still on the drawing board.
We are welcoming a new era in healthcare where achieving good health is just the beginning. We believe in caring for the whole person by getting to know you, having conversations and making connections with our patients. Combining the talent and expertise of our people, the breadth of capabilities across our system, and a commitment to helping you get better and stay healthy is how we are making healthcare remarkable.

Weight Loss Teenage Girl

17 Tips on How to Lose Weight Fast for Teenage Girls ...

How to lose weight fast for teenage girls — there has to be a way of letting you know, helping separate the myth from fact, and get you on the right track to a healthy, happy weight! If you’re a teenager interested in losing weight, and doing it safely and effectively, keep reading! Here are 17 tips on how to lose weight fast for teenage girls, all of them tried and true.


If you’re wondering how to lose weight fast, and you’re still in your teens, keep in mind that you’re still growing! During your teen years, you’ll just naturally gain and lose weight as your body adjusts to hormone levels and as your body develops its own metabolism. Don’t panic every time you gain a pound or two… you’re still growing!


When I was a teenager, I kept fit by running on the cross-country team. If you’re at all interested in any team or individual sports, try out or sign up! Sports are a marvelous way to make and keep like-minded friends, and to stay fit (or lose weight).


My teen years were a haze of chips, soda, and candy — I lived in a junk food heaven. But that’s terribly unhealthy, and unfortunately, still a part of most teens’ lives. Am I suggesting that you stop eating junk food. No. But it would be a great way to start living a healthier lifestyle to choose one vice, and swap the rest for something much healthier. For instance, you can keep eating movie popcorn at the movies, but skip the soda and choose bottled water. Or, feel free to have chips with your sandwich at lunch, but skip the soda and have a piece of fresh fruit or a crunchy vegetable instead.


Did you notice I mentioned skipping soda TWICE in my tip above? That’s because it’s one simple way for teens to lose weight fast. Each serving of soda contains loads of empty calories. Over time, those calories add up to pounds. Skip the soda altogether, or at least switch to diet or zero-calorie.


If you’re a teenager who’s struggling with serious weight issues, don’t put off weight loss. It will never be easier than now. I’m not saying it will be EASY, just EASIER, to lose weight in your teens, than say, in your 40s.


Your friends can make or break a weight loss goal. The right friends will support and encourage you. Frenemies will break you down and sabotage your healthy efforts. So stick with the friends you know you can count on, and ditch the mean girls.


We spend more and more time doing sedentary things (on our butts!) than ever — watching TV, playing video games, using the computer, or even just sitting and texting friends. This is terrible! Not only does it hurt our actual real-life relationships, it discourages the physical activity we all need to lose weight, and keep it off. If you want to lose weight, or just be more fit, shut off the TV and walk away from the computer.


Let’s chat more about video games. I do have a soft spot for any game that encourages physical activity, like the dance games. They’re so much fun, and some are even very good exercise! These video games are an excellent way for teens to lose weight, or just be fitter.


If you’re thinking of losing weight because you think that’s what your friends want, or your parents, or your boyfriend, or anyone else for that matter, stop and take a long hard look at yourself. If YOU like what you see, or are confused by the messages you’re getting from peers or relatives or the media, go see your doctor for a truly objective opinion. He or she will tell you, honestly, if you need to lose weight, or if you’re being influenced by someone, or something, else. Do it for you!


It’s hard to be an overweight teen. You get bullied and laughed at. No one wants to help, they all just want to make fun! If you’re feeling bullied, threatened, or just overwhelmed, ask for help. Ask a teacher, a relative, a friend. Don’t try to take on the world, or a weight problem, all on your own.


Losing weight is never going to be the easiest thing you've ever done. Instead of jumping into it and making a million changes all at one time, start slow and build on your momentum. Maybe you cut out soda during week one, then add a new fruit each day during week two, then add one new exercise activity during the third week. The trick is keeping up with each thing and adding to your new habits as you go. As time goes by, you'll start seeing progress and the small changes you're making will add up without being so hard.


Sure, eating in the school cafeteria is easy and effortless, but let's be honest. Not all of the selections are good ones, especially if your school offers a la carte options. Instead of being stuck choosing between a cheesy burrito or a fat-filled, greasy burger, pack your food at home and bring it with you. That way you can control how much and what you eat and lunchtime so you can keep calories in check. Try string cheese, almonds and an orange or apples and celery with peanut butter, paired with low-fat yogurt. Each option is nutritious, filling and low in calories.


This might sound counterproductive, but hear me out. When you go too long without eating, your inhibitions tend to fly out the window and you make terrible choices because you're so hungry. You know - when you binge on 5 tacos at lunchtime because you haven't eaten since you got up many hours ago. Aim to refuel your body every couple of hours with a healthy, low-calorie snack so you aren't as tempted to eat everything in sight.


When you don't get enough shut-eye, your body has a hard time controlling the hormones that drive appetite. In other words, if you sleep for too few hours, your appetite is going to be in overdrive, which will only mean eating more than you need to. Try to get enough sleep each night so that you can resist junk food and make healthy eating choices all day long.


You might think that skipping meals will save you calories, but the truth is pretty much the opposite. Much like the advice above regarding snacking, you need to have a substantial meal at least every 4 hours or so to keep your hunger satisfied. If you let yourself get too hungry, you set yourself up for a binge that is never going to help you lose weight. Bottom line - eat something at every meal!


It can be very hard to determine if you are eating the proper portion sizes. Until you can easily eyeball a serving, it's a good idea to weigh and measure your foods. Use a basic kitchen scale and measuring cups to get an idea of what makes up a portion. Chances are yours have been too big (most teens eat huge servings), and cutting back will be an effortless way to eliminate calories from your meal plan.


If you play sports, chances are that between practice and games, you are getting plenty of cardio. If not, you should be aiming to get 30 minutes of physical activity each day. Running, swimming, skateboarding and biking are fun options. When you exercise, you burn calories, which can aid in weight loss as well as keeping your body healthy. You should also be strength training a couple of times each week, which builds muscle and boosts metabolism. Lifting weights is a great activity for any teen girl.

All of these tips are proven, tried and true, all excellent ways of how to lose weight fast for teenage girls. Remember that first one in particular — it’s so true! So find a friend to help you along, and get going, sweetie! Which of these tips do you think will help you most? Or do you have another tip that will help teenage girls lose weight? Do tell!

READ MORE:  http://weightloss.allwomenstalk.com/tips-on-how-to-lose-weight-fast-for-teenage-girls

Walking & Jogging

Jogging offers same health benefits as walking

Jogging is the next natural step from walking. Jogging is a form of trotting or running at a slow or leisurely pace with the main intention to increase fitness, endurance, and caloric expenditure. Jogging, like walking, can be done anytime, anywhere, and can be done alone or in a group. Jogging has all the health benefits of walking: It conditions the heart, improves muscle tone and strength, relieves stress, and can help with a variety of health problems including heart disease and arthritis. However, whereas walking is a low-impact activity because one foot is always in contact with the ground, in jogging and in running, impact is introduced. This is a high-impact exercise that places strain on the body, notably the joints of the knee. But impact can actually be a good thing. Because jogging is a weight-bearing activity, it will enhance bone density, which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

The big advantage of jogging over walking is that you can cover the same distance in a shorter period of time. The disadvantage is that it can result in more injuries than walking, because the strain placed on both muscles and joints is greater. But with proper shoes and preparation through stretching, you can greatly reduce your risk of injury.

Jogging and running, like walking, involve rhythmic, forward action of the legs that target the large lower muscles of the body including the hip flexors, gluteus maximus, quadriceps, and hamstrings. Assisting those muscles are the gastrocnemius and the anterior tibialis. The less obvious, yet equally important, muscles are your hip abductors and hip adductors, which are responsible for stabilizing the hips and legs in general. The torso muscles are also actively engaged to keep your torso erect as your arms swing naturally with your stride. Because of the level of impact associated with both jogging and running, proper alignment of the torso is paramount in limiting stress to the joints and low back. Visualize and create a tall vertical position of your torso, keeping your abdominal muscles engaged throughout your jog. Maintain a strong upper postural position by keeping your shoulders down, creating lots of distance between your shoulders and ears to avoid carrying your arms too high.

While jogging, you should leap, transferring your weight evenly and softly from one foot to the next. You should avoid leaping too high into the air, however, and landing heavily on your heel. Such form wastes energy and exacerbates the impact of the exercise. Create a normal foot strike that lands flat on the outer back portion of the heel, rolls onto the sole, and ends with the push-off from the ball of the foot. A heavy heel strike can lead to excessive traumatic forces and actually slow you down. Landing on the midfoot or ball of the foot places more stress on the Achilles tendon (which contracts to counterbalance the force of the strike).

A well-fitted running shoe is the most basic requirement for jogging. You will need to try on a variety of models to see which style provides the best overall fit. The amount of cushioning you require depends on how hard your foot strikes the ground during your stride. The frame and build of your body will help you determine how much cushioning you need. A small-framed person does not create a severe impact with the ground in comparison to a large-framed person, and so would require less overall cushioning. Because the greatest loads are at the heel and ball of the foot (as much as three times your body weight), choose a shoe that provides the most cushioning in both areas. The heel cup of the shoe should be stable and offer lateral (side-to-side) support as your heel contacts the ground. As you jog, your toes bend and extend as you push off through your stride. Running shoes need to be flexible enough in the forefoot to allow this to happen. The jogging motion also causes the foot and toes to spread, so allow for ample room in the toe box. Most experts agree that a good pair of comfortable sneakers will suffice; however, as we recommended in walking, choosing a well constructed performance running shoe is a good idea because it is designed specifically for running and will help you avoid injury. If you take the time to choose proper footwear, your feet will not only perform better, they’ll feel better too!

All in all, jogging is an efficient and effective way to maintain or enhance your level of cardiovascular fitness. It is also the perfect preparation for running, the next intensity level of high-impact activity for your morning cardio workout.

Read more from:  http://www.humankinetics.com/excerpts/excerpts/jogging-offers-same-health-benefits-as-walking-